Special Needs


Continuing Christian Development (CCD) Religious Education and Sacramental Preparation for Children with Special Needs

Brief History of Church Inclusivity:

In 1978 the United States Bishops issued a statement calling for the inclusion of persons with disabilities into the life of the Church and community. In 1982 the National Catholic Office for Persons with Disabilities was established to promote this ministry. And in 1995 the Church’s commitment was strengthened with the passage of the Guidelines for the Celebration of the Sacraments with Persons with Disabilities.

As a parish, we are committed to providing quality religious education and sacramental preparation to ALL God’s children, regardless of mental or physical ability. We have chosen The Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Program as our guide in establishing a comprehensive curriculum designed to help parents and catechists in their task of teaching special children about the Catholic faith. The children will learn about the Sacraments of the Church, as well as preparation for the Sacraments of Initiation. They will learn about the life of Christ, Beatitudes, and living the Christian life. They will be introduced to the heroes of the Church, the saints, and will be taught the prayers that are familiar to all Catholics.

Please contact the Religious Education Office with questions and development of a program to best fit your family’s needs. We are here to assist you in sharing your faith with your child.



Please share any learning (ADHD, dyslexia) and/or health (severe food allergies, allergies to insect bites etc) problems that your child may have. This information is very helpful and confidential, as we strive to provide the best possible atmosphere and climate for your child while they are in our care. Please notify the Religious Education Office with any pertinent and vital information.