Faith Formation

Every parish needs a coherent, well integrated catechetical plan. Catechesis is an education in the faith of children which includes the teaching of Christian Doctrine in a systematic way.

St. Christine Parish provides a comprehensive Religious Education Program (Faith Formation) for children in Grades PK-8 that includes instruction, community building, service, and worship components. Contact the Religious Education Office (330-931-7734) for more information concerning our Religious Education Programs and registration.

Though the influence of peers and properly trained adult catechists is important, catechetical programs are not intended to supplant parents as the primary educators of their children.


Sunday Mornings: 9:15 am – 10:45 am

The Religious Education Programs at St. Christine Parish follow the Diocesan Guidelines for a comprehensive yearly program passed on the Diocese of Youngstown Curriculum for Catechesis promulgated by Bishop Tobin in 1999.

The program will provide 36 hours of instructional catechesis and include the components of message, community, service and worship.

Both the school and parish faith formation program use the Blest Are We Series – Faith in Action (RCL*Benzinger). The series is organized based on the four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

What Catholics believe
How Catholics worship
How Catholics live
How Catholics pray

For a closer look at your child’s grade appropriate curriculum and family activities, visit the Blest Are We website (Parish Program).

We know that you are deeply interested in your child’s participation in the catechetical program sponsored by our parish. We realize that it is impossible to grade spiritual growth. Progress reports are passed at the conclusion of our program to indicate what your child’s catechist observed in regard to interest and participation.