Baptism for infants in Saint Christine Church is held following the 11am Mass, on any Sunday, as long as the Church is available on that Sunday.
Adults interested in Baptism, please see RCIA, or call the parish office.
Since Baptism is a sacrament of faith, and through it the child is brought into the family of faith, the church, for the Baptism of infants, there must be the reasonable hope that the child will be brought up in the Catholic faith. If such hope is lacking because of the non-practice of the faith by the parents, the Church directs that the Baptism be delayed. Accordingly, it is expected that at least one parent or guardian of the child is a practicing Catholic. Only one sponsor is required, male or female, and that sponsor must be a practicing, confirmed Catholic. A baptized Christian and member of a non-Catholic church may act as a Christian Witness of a Baptism together with a Catholic sponsor.
Parents are to take care that the name given the child is not foreign to Christian sensibility. All these expectations regarding Baptism are contained in the Church’s Code of Canon Law, canons 849-878.
Arrangements for Baptism are to be made by calling the parish office at 330-792-3829. To have a baby baptized here, parents must be registered members of the parish. Prior to the Baptism of a child, parents are expected to attend an individually-scheduled Baptism prep session.
Parents living out of the area, or who are not currently members of Saint Christine but who for personal or family reasons wish to have the Baptism here, are most welcome to do so. They will need verification, however, from their current pastor that they are practicing Catholics and members of their respective parish, and written permission from the pastor for the Baptism to take place here, and verification of having attended a Baptism Prep class.
Baptism Preparation
Prior to the Baptism of a child, parents are expected to attend a baptismal-prep class focusing on the meaning of the sacrament of Baptism, the rite of Baptism itself, and its implications for the parents.
Baptism prep classes are scheduled individually and Parents are most welcome to arrange to attend the class prior to the birth of the baby. Please call parish office at 330-792-3829.
Baptism is necessary for salvation for all those to whom the Gospel has been proclaimed and who have had the possibility of asking for the sacrament.
Since Christ died for the salvation of all, those can be saved without Baptism who die for the faith (Baptism of blood). Catechumens and all those who, even without knowing Christ and the Church, still (under the impulse of grace) sincerely seek God and strive to do his will can also be saved without Baptism (Baptism of desire). The church in her liturgy entrusts children who die without Baptism to the mercy of God.
Baptism takes away original sin, all personal sins and all punishment due to sin. It makes the baptized person a participant in the divine life of the Trinity through sanctifying grace, the grace of justification which incorporates one into Christ and into his Church. It gives one a share in the priesthood of Christ and provides the basis for communion with all Christians. It bestows the theological virtues and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. A baptized person belongs forever to Christ. He is marked with the indelible seal of Christ (character).
From the Compendium of the “Catechism of the Catholic Church “#261-263”